The BMHS Music Boosters program officially obtained its non-profit status in 2012 when we started out to help financially support our Spirit of Bohemia Marching Band. However, it quickly became evident that the chorus program was also in need of assistance. Officially our name is the BMHS Band Boosters, but don’t let the name fool you – we’re here to support the entire music department!
We support Jazz Band, Concert Band, Marching Band, Concert Choir, Chorale, and Percussion Ensemble. Each year the band and chorus directors receive a VERY SMALL budgeted amount of funds from Cecil County Public School system. On a budget of less than $1000 each, the directors can’t possibly pay for music for multiple concerts throughout the year, new equipment, repairs, entrance fees, uniforms and attire, licensing fees and much more! FYI: one band concert alone can run at least $500 for just music! And that’s where we come in! The Boosters bridge that gap between the county funding and actual needs of our music department.
We do this through various fund raisers throughout the year. These include our mum, poinsettia, and plants & herbs/veggie sales and our Wine Tasting event (in the Spring). We also have our concession table at concerts (both band and chorus) where you can get a quick snack and a drink and help support our musicians! In addition to our fundraisers we also receive generous support from our community through local organizations, business and individuals.
You can help by coming out and supporting our kids at concerts, football games, parades, etc. By doing this you not only help support our organization, but our great teenagers by showing your support of them, their hard work, and all the effort they put into presenting their great performances!
Not only can you support BMHS Music Boosters by purchasing items through our sales, but just as importantly by being involved in the boosters organization! Meeting are once a month, generally under an hour, in the evening in the HS Band Office. “Donating” a little bit of your time is just as important to our kids as the financial funding we provide the music department.
It all comes down to US – the parents, grandparents and friends of our music students to help provide them with the best music program around! We’ve achieved a lot in the past seven years, but there’s still more room for improvement and for us to continue helping the music programs to grow and thrive! The Boosters, as the support program for our children, need to continue doing what many before of us have done!
Without YOU the music department can’t continue to provide the level of performances our kids have become accustomed to providing us! Our kids depend on US for our support! Let’s not let them down!!
Questions? Contact:
Madeleine White Orchestra/Choir Director
Jillian Laakso Band Director
Katrina Webb President
Vacant Vice President
Jillian Laakso (acting) Secretary
Katrina Webb (acting) Treasurer
Bohemia Manor High School
2755 Augustine Herman Hwy.
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Phone: 410-885-2075